Application to the International Music Competition BOLERO is only possible through the online application form published below. To apply, please fill in the application by April 10th, 2025 at the latest.

Along with the electronic application form the participants must also submit a scan or copy of the below listed documents through the official website of the organization (PDF):

  1. ID card of the participant of the competition;
  2. Payment Confirmation of the application fee;
  3. Complete scores of the competition programme*.

*For pieces that are to be accompanied by the piano the participant must submit copies of the piano scores from which percussion part must be visible, or submit piano and percussion scores copies separately. These copies are for the attention of the Jury during the competition. After the competition the copies of these notes will be destroyed.

Application fee

  • Junior Category – € 60,00
  • 1st Category – € 70.00
  • 2nd Category – € 80.00
  • 3rd Category – € 90.00

* VAT (22%) included

The application fee shall be paid via bank transfer, no later than 10th of April 2025. For payment, please use the following details:

Beneficiary’s name and address:

BOLERO, Andraž Likar s.p.
Flisova ulica 3
2366 Muta, Slovenia

IBAN: SI56 101000058274879

!!! The bank transfer must include: NAME of the competitor and COMPETITION DISCIPLINE to which the competitor is applying. (Example: Andraz Likar, PERCUSSION) !!!

 *The possible cost of a bank transfer is not included in the cost of the application fee.


To apply, please fill in the application by Aprtil 10th, 2025 at the latest.

Along with the application form the participants must also submit a scan or copy of the Scores, ID card and Payment Confirmation in PDF.

The maximum upload file size is 2MB. In case your files are larger than 2MB, you can compress them HERE.


Before applying, please read Competition Regulations.

    *Your Name

    *Your Surname

    *Year of birth

    *Caretakers (Full Name)

    *Home adress (Street, Postal Code, City, Country)


    *Your e-mail

    *Phone number

    *Music school

    Piano accompaniment


    *Mentors' e-mail

    *Category (choose)



    • When entering composers' names, abbreviate the first names to initials and write the last names in full. Example: J. S. Bach.

    • Provide the titles of pieces or compositions in full and precisely as they are written in the sheet music. For cyclical compositions, be sure to include the main title of the composition and the individual movements that the competitor will perform at the competition.
      Example: Cello Suite No. 1 in G major, BWV 1007; Prelude, Sarabande.

    Scores (pdf)

    Maximum file size is 2MB. If needed you can compress files HERE.

    Scores (pdf)

    Maximum file size is 2MB. If needed you can compress files HERE.

    Scores (pdf)

    Maximum file size is 2MB. If needed you can compress files HERE.

    Scores (pdf)

    Maximum file size is 2MB. If needed you can compress files HERE.

    Scores (pdf)

    Maximum file size is 2MB. If needed you can compress files HERE.

    *We confirm that the duration of the programme do not exceed the time limit, which is specifically determined for each category by the rules of the International Music Competition BOLERO.
    Junior Category - up to 4 minutes / I. Category - up to 6 minutes / II. Category - up to 9 minutes / III. Category - up to 12 minutes.

    *ID card of the participant of the competition (pdf)

    Maximum file size is 2MB. If needed you can compress files HERE.

    *The participants and their caretakers agree to provide a copy of the personal document. A copy of the identity card is obtained exclusively for the purpose of proving the competitor's age - year of birth.

    *Payment confirmation of the application fee (pdf)

    Maximum file size is 2MB. If needed you can compress files HERE.

    *The participants and their caretakers agree with all terms and conditions of the event mentioned in Competition Regulations when signing up for the International Music Competition Bolero.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE! Please do not leave this page until loading sign is rotating next to the submit button. Your files are being uploaded.
    Once your application has been successfully submitted, notification will pop-up here. Shortly after, you will receive an email confirmation.